Why Mediate?

Mediation is confidential. Court hearings are public.

Mediation is more economical than litigation as a way to resolve disputes.

Mediation gives parties control over the outcome. In Court hearings, the Judge controls the final orders.

Mediation is also more efficient than litigation. Resolution through the court system may take years while parties in mediation can reach an agreement in a matter of hours.

Mediation may improve the relationship between the parties because both sides, when willing to work together, may have a better understanding of the other side and the underlying issues driving the dispute.

Mediation reduces the chances of future litigation. Once parties have worked together to reach a mutually acceptable agreement once, the chances of them being able to come to an agreement again are very high. When parties have come to an agreement, the chances of future violation of their agreement are reduced which therefore reduces the risk of future court involvement.